Delph's books

Cross & Crown

Cross & Crown - Abigail Roux 3,5 stars


Promises - Marie Sexton pas mal comparé à l'autre( j'ai lu le tome 4 en premier) meme si le mec se dit hetero et traine toujours avec l'homo.Je connais pas beaucoup d'hetero dans la realité qui passerait tout son temps avec un homo et meme dormir ensemble sans chercher quelque chose.mais j'arrive a croire a l'histoire d'amour donc ça va.

I'll Be Hot for Christmas

I'll Be Hot for Christmas - Evangeline Anderson Glad to have the POV of O'Brian, the story is funny and it's a pretext for a sex scene.Glad to hear that o'brian think he makes most of the job last year in Frisco because I felt that when I read the first book.Valenti is as the first book a little stupid because he don't believe in o'brian 'feelings.

The Assignment

The Assignment - Evangeline Anderson My first m/m Romance book

a little disappointed by the character of O'Brian, it's so obvious he wants Valenti from the beginning,and I would have preferred chapters with his point of view.The book in only based on Valenti point of view.So O'Brian appears gay to me since the beginning and not straight, and I don't like when he said he's acting like this because the undercover, because the reader know it's untrue.So a little about this storyline ok, but it' in the entire book!and in the entire book Valenti think o'brian acting!!How acting sex?LOL Moreover in Public, don't like these scene.I Like the scene in the bedroom much more.

Lover Redeemed

Lover Redeemed - VaneCaos Love it!